【米国】 「中国系が嫌いだから」中国系女性ばかり狙う韓国系強盗犯を逮捕 ―――― ニューヨーク市[02/13]
2016年2月11日、米華字メディア・世界日報は、中華系ばかりを狙う韓国系米国人の強盗犯が捕 まったと報じた。
1月27日、2月10日と2回にわたり中国系米国人の女性を狙って強盗事件を起こして いる。
族蔑視の罪でも争われることになるという。(翻訳・編集 / 増田聡太郎)
Korean man charged for attacking Chinese women in Queens
He allegedly said, “I don’t like the Chinese and I went to Flushing to look for Chinese people.”
“The defendant, who is Korean, is accused of acting on his hatred for Chinese people.
He allegedly sought out these two women because of their race," Brown said.
"This kind of bigotry and racism is not acceptable in a civilized society. The defendant now faces serious jail time.”
“I wanted to fight someone because the Chinese people were rude and smoking in the car...
I wanted to pick a fight and that is when I saw one female cleaning snow and we made eye contact.”
According to the complaint, Lee allegedly stated that he was angry after a fight with his wife and became more angry when he and the victim made eye contact.
"I couldn’t take it any more. I decided she’s the one. I started beating her.”