ご自由にお使い下さい@Next伝統芸能 #47

47名無しさん@Next2ch:2015/11/28(土) 06:52:17.00 ID:PRIqnwTi

I lift off
My wings set to the sky
Arise from ashes
And now I fly
Through flames of war
I have been reborn
its my time
I have made it mine

When soaring high above my enemies
I understand the things you see in me
To vanquish those who choose to fight
I'll bring peace before the night

Why do you still challenge me?
You can't win
It's not your destiny
Like the moth who flies into the flame
You won't return
You'll lose your name

Gave you hope to unite with me
Oppose darkness, let all men see
You have chosen to go your way
You chose to seize the day

Rising like the phoenix
From the ashes of the fire
My greatest strength is not your desire
Can I be a champion fair and free
To the end
Defying gravity

The clear white jet stream scars
The deep blue sky
I pull ahead
Spread my wings and fly
Because of you we'll fight
And some will die
Because of you
We will always try

Why do you still challenge me?
You can't win
It's not your destiny
Like the moth who flies into the flame
You won't return
You will lose your name

Gave you hope to unite with me
Oppose darkness, let all men see
You have chosen to go your way
You chose to seize the day

Rising like the phoenix
From the ashes of the fire
My greatest strength is not your desire
Can I be a champion fair and free
To the end
Defying gravity

Going ever higher than the clouds
Climbing fast
Breaking sound
We'll suffer more
And overcome
Some day
You and I
Will touch the sun

Gave you hope to unite with me
Oppose darkness, let all men see
You have chosen to go your way
You chose to seize the day

Rising like the phoenix
From the ashes of the fire
My greatest strength is not your desire
Can I be a champion fair and free
To the end    
Defying gravity



