【アトランタ】 連射殺事件 8人死亡 ★ 「出稼ぎ Korean 売春婦 (=慰安婦)」? 4人とも不法滞在? 「黒人なので断られた」 wwwwwwwwwwwww #10

10    :2021/03/18(木) 00:59:29.14 ID:???

Gold massage spa も犯行現場だな。 < Goldっていかにも キム (ry

    そこの口コミには、  「韓国女だけかと思ったら小柄な黒人が出て来て、牛の乳搾りみたいな乱暴なやり方で勃たなかった。ここに行くなら入り口で韓国娘を頼むべし。」  とあるw

Dan Williams:  I thought that they only had Korean women that worked here. I was wrong, I got a petite black girl who after giving me a VERY light massage on my back and legs asked me to turn over. I did, she then proceeded to TRY and get me hard. She failed at that. It felt like she was trying to milk a cow with how rough she was with me. I would recommend that if you go here ask for a Korean girl from the lady that meets you at the door.

