当時、『朝日新聞』が 「朝鮮人暴徒が放火」 と報道してた。
・・・・・・・・・・on September 3 the Osaka Asahi newspaper reported that Korean mobs were advancing on Tokyo from neighboring Yokohama, torching houses as they came (Asahi 1923b). On September 4, it reported that the Korean mobs were carrying explosives and oil (probably kerosene) as they ran through the city (Asahi 1923c).
当時、『朝日新聞』が 「朝鮮人暴徒が略奪、殺人してる」 と報道してた。
On October 20, 1923, the Osaka Asahi newspaper actually reported ・・・ it detailed Koreans looting burned buildings and beating and killing anyone who blocked their way (Asahi 1923d)