【悲報】ヒカキンさんと同時期に海外旅行したバイリンガールさん、東大おじさんと電通おじさんに一人だけフルボッコにされてしまう #3

3自分が自分にとって正しいと思う判断を重ねて生きていくしかないと思:2020/04/14(火) 14:25:52.54 ID:???



We’ve arrived safely back to Japan.
A huge thanks to all of you for your support and concern. We’re at home starting our 2 week self-quarantine and waiting for our test results. Pudding was so happy to see all of her stuffed animals, she laid them out on our bed and fell asleep with them😌

We received lots of opinions about our decision to come back to Japan, rightly so in this scary time. We still feel that our decision was the right one for us, but feel terrible that our announcement caused so much worry and stress. We’re sorry for all the negativity that our announcement video has created.

Many of you were concerned about my emotional state from some of the very hateful comments. Thank you for all of the caring messages, but I’m okay😊 I’ve been doing this YouTube thing for almost 10 years, it’s gonna take a lot more than some hate to tear me down.

All you can do is live each day making decisions that you feel is right for you, and of course not everyone is going to agree all the time, but that’s life. We’re going to continue doing what we can, going back to making videos that make you guys smile, laugh, and feel inspired & motivated!


私の知ってた言葉選びが上手な知性的なちかさんはどこにいったんだ? にじみ出る「自分は間違ってない感」、反対意見を表明した人を敵に回しかねない危うさ。「そう簡単に心は折れません!」は、さすがにトゲがありすぎないか?

