さすが(ロリコン)「ペドのメッカ」: アメリカ (白人)
Woman, 22, given two life sentences for allowing professor, 49, to have sex with her five-month-old daughter
● xxxx met professor online when they swapped child porn
● Allowed him to come to her house on several occasions to have sex with both her and her baby
● He was sentenced to 37 years in jail
児童ポルノ交換【サイト】で知り合い、家に招き複数回にわたり自分および娘とセックスさせる --- 教授は37年の懲役刑
【米国】 5歳の娘をレイプされ激怒、犯人を殴り殺した父親に不起訴処分-テキサス★