米ユナイテッド航空乗客引きずり下ろし事件に中国人が大激怒!ネット上ではボイコットを呼びかける声も 父の国はやっぱ偉大だな #44

44番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です:2017/04/16(日) 17:12:45.90 ID:cbDxgW/3


Legal Controversy
On October 16, 2003, David Dao’s medical license was suspended by the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure.
He was sentenced to probation, avoiding a two-year prison sentence.
David Dao was charged by federal prosecutors with 98 total counts of giving painkillers and other drugs to patients who didn't need them.
He was also charged with having a homosexual affair with a patient in exchange for prescription drugs.
After serving his sentence and appealing to the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure, his medical license was partially reinstated on March 2, 2016.

   ↑ 「After serving his sentence 」 の部分を見て驚いた。 これだと収監されてたように読める。

