【東朝鮮】自民党が改憲案に「緊急事態が発生した際に国会議員の任期を延長する」条項を盛り込む案が浮上 安倍同志永世政権誕生か【ナチスの手口】 #15

15番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です:2016/07/10(日) 01:51:15.99 ID:???

Hadnt come here for a while, and now just seeing how pathetic you losers are. Seriously yall deserve it. Just miserably die in this fucked up shithole. You really never do anything that you can do and should, whining about stupid jap shit, pretending to be a rational person who knows a right thing to do.

Want to immigrate to another country? Huh, dont make me laugh you stupid lazy assholes. To begin with can you even read my sentences? Let me tell you the truth and give you the harsh but realistic fact, you can do NOTHING anymore. You are just the losers who havent ever started anything you have to do and always escaped from that.
Learning English is not that fucking easy as you think. Its fucking hard and takes so much of time and effort. It doesnt help that not only you dont give it a try but also you still dont even realize and understand the fact.
Its fucking over. You lose, you fucking lose. You are too late to get to do something anymore. I had been warning you to take action and do with corrupt japshit, no matter whether you make it or not. But eventually it got nowhere as I expected. 

