what are you talking about? I haven't heard you speak English. And, I've heard nothing like you are specialized in anything particular.
All I have seen is your poor writings which you so much insist that it proves I don't even understand Grade 10 Math,
which actually turns out to be that you actually don't understand logic and you were using it without knowing what it really means.
You haven't even answered my first question but you have kept saying you are not interested in me any more while you've kept writing about me when I am here which is supposed to be invisible to you as you put me in your NG list so that you can't see my writing.
and now what? 言語学的にもダメで、数学的にもダメなVOFは見るべき点が一切無い here it comes again. he fucking farted again. bullshit.
this person constantly makes up things and mix things with things that are valid or true. As a result of it, few ones can really believe what this liar says.
答案用紙 小学校5年 算数(さんすう) 名前: ID:VFs8OI50 /u/kkkkkawataga
> VOFはその部分において、問題の混同を起こし論理的に間違っている
> これはVPF固有の問題である)
回答欄 http://next2ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1456409959/129
NSR MODが自演荒らしを行っている
NSR MOD周辺にはLGBTの集団がいる
LGBTの集団≠(NSR MOD=自演荒らし集団)
自演荒らしを行い続けているNSR MODによるLGBTの集団 ⊆ LGBTの集団
自演荒らしを行い続けているNSR MODによるLGBTの集団 ≠ LGBTの集団
自演荒らしを行い続けているNSR MODによるLGBTの集団 ⊂ LGBTの集団
採点: 引用の提示 なし 0点 証明の式は問いと無関係な記述 0点 得点 0点 不合格