酒鬼薔薇(東京都)まったく更生してなくてワロタ 「命がけで来てんだろ お前、顔と名前覚えたぞ」と記者を追い掛け回す #64

64番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です:2016/02/18(木) 17:47:09.30 ID:187XRYtT

so, that means you do speak English, right?
but, if you can't write me back in English, what's the point of doing it just by myself?

about the arrogance or the pride of what? the position I was at in 2ch Philo BBS?
you don't get the point at all. it is you who said you would ask people in 2ch Philo BSS to analyze what I am.
the people you are taking is the people who know about me, right? do you know what I'm saying?
you said you want to ask people who know about me to analyze me, so I said you don't even know how I was doing in the BBS.


