【ディルレバンガー】地域猫が連続不審死 #16

16番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です:2015/11/04(水) 14:49:29.56 ID:4Jcwm2gV

In Europe, perhaps because cats have been a free-ranging part of our society for so long, it’s common for people to feel that cats have a right to range freely. There’s this image of cats stalking in long grass, running up small trees and racing around the open space. Many Europeans feel uncomfortable with the idea of cats been kept indoors. They feel that it is almost as bad as keeping a rabbit in a small hutch or a hen in a battery cage. In North America and Australasia, the opposite view is sometimes taken. In these countries, cats are relative newcomers to the ecosystem. When they’re allowed outside, they show their prowess as skilled hunters, and they can cause devastating destruction of the dwindling native animal population. It’s widely felt in some areas that for the sake of local wildlife, cat owners have an ethical obligation to keep their pets safely indoors.


