ジンバブエの人気ライオン殺される、米狩猟愛好家に非難殺到 #13

13番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です:2015/07/29(水) 17:46:59.65 ID:7R6tiaxz

1. The Lion Was Left Skinned & Headless on the Outskirts of the National Park

2. The Hunters Allegedly Tried to Destroy Cecil’s Collar to Hide the Evidence

3. He Faced Prison Time in 2008 for Lying to a Federal Agent About the Killing of a Bear

4. He Was Previously Accused of Sexual Harassment

5. Thousands of Death Threats Have Been Made Against Him on Social Media

Walter Palmer: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

