【next】女子高生の制服スカート禁止 理由:先生がムラムラするから #1

1番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です:2015/07/10(金) 17:17:47.72 ID:MwhtE167

School bans girls from wearing skirts because it's 'distracting for male teachers when they walk up stairs or sit down'

Headmistress said she was tired of telling pupils to roll down their skirts She said some girls wore skirts that 'barely covered their bottoms' Added the length of hemlines had become a distraction for male teachers Some male pupils also complained short skirts detracted from lessons


Uniform: Pupils Isabel Cartwright, 15, left, and Charlotte Vila-Watkiry, 15, dressed in the skirt and trousers allowed under the current school rules

A school has banned pupils from wearing skirts because they are 'distracting male teachers and pupils'.
Trentham High School, in Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire, has ordered that all students now wear the same style of 'business-like' trousers to stop pupils coming to lessons in clothing that 'barely covers their bottoms'.

Headmistress Dr Rowena Blencowe said she has been forced to introduce the new rules because staff have started spending more time telling pupils to roll down their skirts than teaching.
'Now it's just a constant nag,' she said. 'Girls are coming in with skirts that just cover their bottoms - it's totally inappropriate. 'Girls with the right length skirts are just rolling them up. We tell them in form period to roll them down, but by first break they're back up again.
'It's not pleasant for male members of staff and students either, the girls have to walk up stairs and sit down and it's a complete distraction.
'After a while it stops being a uniform issue and starts becoming a safeguarding issue.'
One pupil admitted that he also found the short skirts a distraction.

Edward Burrows told MailOnline: 'This might be a bit crude, but I've seen more modest belts.

'It might be a bit shocking for a teenage boy to say, but you don't really want to be seeing that when you're walking round school.

'The thing about them distracting the male teachers is true. It distracts me so I can understand it distracts them.

'We had mocks preparation not long a go, practising for when we're doing exams next year.

'And you look over, as you do, and you see someone's bum and that's in your mind then.

'When you're stressed you're easily distracted.'

Female pupils are currently allowed to wear black trousers or black skirts -with hemlines either on the knee or just above - with black tights.

