【悲報】ステルス戦闘機F35、F16お爺ちゃんにドッグファイトで負ける 「ヘルメットがデカすぎて後ろが見えないんだ・・・」 #1

1番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です:2015/07/01(水) 15:56:58.65 ID:tofOAw+8

U.S. Air Force's most sophisticated stealth jet is beaten in dogfight by plane from 1970s... despite being the most expensive weapon in history
The F-35 stealth jet has already cost the military more than $350billion
But in a mock battle it was outperformed by an F-16 designed in the 1970s
F-35 test pilot said new plane was too cumbersome to dodge enemy fire
He deemed it totally inappropriate for fighting aircraft within visual range


He reported that the F-35 - designed by Lockheed Martin - was at a ‘distinct energy disadvantage for every engagement’ despite the F-16 being weighed down by two drop tanks for extra fuel.
The F-35 pilot reported a number of aerodynamic problems, including ‘insufficient pitch rate’ for the jet’s nose while climbing - resulting in the plane being too cumbersome to dodge enemy fire.
He said that a half-million-dollar custom-made helmet that gives pilots a 360-degree view outside the plane meant he was unable to comfortably move his head inside the cramped cockpit.
This meant the F-16 could approach from behind without him noticing.

‘The helmet was too large for the space inside the canopy to adequately see behind the aircraft,’ he wrote in the five-page brief.


