米ソニー α7R II 発表 42メガピクセル #1

1番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です:2015/06/11(木) 06:27:24.39 ID:UQsHiW53

Sony’s New α7R II Camera Delivers Innovative Imaging Experience with World’s First Back-Illuminated 35mm Full-Frame Sensor1


The newly developed 42.4 MP back-illuminated CMOS sensor is the most advanced,
versatile and highest resolution full-frame image sensor that Sony has ever created,
allowing the α7R II to reach new levels of quality,
sensitivity and response speed. In the past,
many photographers have been forced to choose between
high-resolution and high-speed or high resolution and high sensitivity when selecting a camera.
The new α7R II eliminates that sacrifice thanks to its innovative image sensor.

