少女マンガは一体どこまでOKなのか ID:+SkYZ5uJ

67番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です:2015/04/14(火) 04:18:21.26 ID:+SkYZ5uJ

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         ...―/          _)  < Oh Dick Dick Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!
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At last you will never worry about your size any more.
We have a solution that will make all your sexual dreams come true.
Leave behind what you've known earlier. The new era for you is here!
Roll-panna will go mad! Takashi will be jealous!
And you will at last your new life! Like a real man with a real penis !
Say Mega-Dick-Shoo and be happy with your new size!


