英BBC「明仁天皇は歴史から学び、戦争の悲劇を忘れてはならないと常々言ってるに、安倍ときたら・・・」 #1

1番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です:2015/04/10(金) 17:14:35.45 ID:za8JkJ3+

Japan emperor marks Palau war dead


Emperor Akihito has said on multiple occasions that Japan must learn from its history and never forget what happened.

But his visit comes amid concerns among Japan's neighbours that its current government, led by nationalist Shinzo Abe, is unrepentant about wartime actions.
Earlier this week, China and South Korea protested over newly approved school textbooks which they said glossed over events such as the Nanjing massacre.



