National Prevention Framework
Operational Coordination
This is the capability
to conduct actions and activities
that enable senior decision makers
to determine appropriate courses of action
and to provide oversight for complex operations
to achieve unity of effort and effective outcomes
Effective operational coordination provides for cohesive command and control
in order to ensure coordination
of the investigative, intelligence, and other activities
in the face of an imminent terrorist threat
or following an act of terrorism
Coordinating Structures and Integration
Coordinating structures bring together those entities
involved in conducting activities and operations
to address the requirements of the mission
and serve both a readiness and an operational role
The functions and benefits provided by these coordinating structures
are not necessarily limited to Prevention;
many coordinating structures also support
the Protection, Response, and Recovery mission areas
Operational Planning
The concepts in the frameworks are used to guide operational planning,
which provides further information regarding roles and responsibilities,
identifies the critical tasks an entity will take in executing core capabilities,
and identifies resourcing, personnel, and sourcing requirements.
The responsibility for prevention
builds from the individual and the community to
local jurisdictions; state, tribal, and territorial governments; and the Federal Government.
This Framework provides
individuals, communities, and governmental, private sector, and nongovernmental decision makers
with an understanding of the full spectrum of Prevention activities.
Initiatives based on Prevention mission activities and core capabilities
help guide communities to create conditions
for a safer, more secure, and more resilient Nation
by enhancing prevention
through operational coordination and information sharing.
The whole community should be engaged
in examining and implementing
the strategy and doctrine contained in this Framework