,:*:・'☆,・:*: 未解決事件・:*:・゜☆,:* #33

33名無しさん@Next2ch:2021/12/24(金) 16:49:29.05 ID:IrRJY4AE

National Prevention Framework

Core Capabilities
Building on the National Preparedness Goal,
this section provides more detailed explanation
of what each Prevention core capability entails
and the context in which the Nation must be prepared to execute it
It is a description of the capabilities and tasks
the whole community will most likely need to achieve
the desired end-state of a Nation
that is optimally prepared to prevent imminent terrorist attack
Efforts to build and sustain core capabilities
should be based on a structured approach,
such as the Plan, Organize, Equip, Train, Exercise (POETE) model

Intelligence and Information Sharing
Incidents over the last decade have demonstrated that
the ability to responsibly share information
is prerequisite for preventing terrorist threats
No single agency, department, or level of government can independently complete
a threat picture of all terrorism and national security threats
With this in mind,
the Intelligence and Information Sharing capability
involves engagement across local, state, tribal, territorial, Federal, private sector, faith-based organizations, and international partners
to facilitate the collection, analysis, and sharing of suspicious activity reports
to further support the identification and prevention of terrorist threats;
enhance situational awareness of threats, alerts, and warnings;
and develop and disseminate risk assessments and analysis of national intelligence
to local, state, tribal, territorial, and private sector partners, and across mission areas

Screening, Search, and Detection
Identify, discover, or locate terrorist threats
through active and passive surveillance and search procedures
The fully developed capability means
the whole community is prepared
to quickly and effectively identify and locate
terrorists and their means, methods,
to prevent a terrorist act

Interdiction and Disruption
Delay, divert, intercept, halt, apprehend, or secure
threats and/or hazards

Forensics and Attribution
Conduct forensic analysis
and attribute terrorist acts
(including the means and methods of terrorism)
to their source(s)
This capability may need to be delivered
in a time-constrained, hazardous, or crisis environment
Upon a terrorist act or incident,
execution of this capability begins
with the swift exploitation of evidence
for the collection of intelligence information,
and subsequent analysis
that contributes to the attribution process

In the context of Prevention,
planning includes crisis action plannin

