National Prevention Framework
Intended Audience
Guiding Principles
Core Capabilities
Intelligence and Information Sharing
Screening, Search, and Detection
Interdiction and Disruption
Forensics and Attribution
Public Information and Warning
Operational Coordination
Coordinating Structures and Integration
Operational Planning
This Framework provides guidance to prevent act of terrorism
by describing Core Capabilities
The seven Core Capabilities
This Framework sets out principles
that guide the development and execution of the Core Capabilities
Well-established capability
to quickly collect, analyze, and further disseminate intelligence
becomes critical in imminent threat situation
Variety of analytical and investigative efforts support
the ability to identify and counter terrorist threats
by executing these prevention support activities
National Prevention Framework,
part of National Preparedness System,
sets strategy and doctrine
for how whole community builds, sustains, and delivers
the Prevention Core Capabilities
identified in the National Preparedness Goal
This second edition of the National Prevention Framework
reflects the insights and lessons
learned from real-world incidents
Intended Audience
This Framework applies to all levels of
government, private and nonprofit sectors, and individuals,
as all play role in preventing terrorism
It is especially useful for leaders
who have an obligation for public safety
including preventing imminent terrorist threats
Terrorism prevention activities
should be conducted as early as possible
before a plot becomes viable
Therefore, it is preferable
to prevent recruitment and radicalization toward violence,
to deter terrorist plots,
and to detect, disrupt, thwart, and interdict
emerging terrorist plots at the earliest stages
Having the ability
to quickly collect, analyze, and further disseminate intelligence
already established
becomes critical in imminent threat situation
In order to accomplish this,
law enforcement, intelligence, homeland security professionals, and other members
of the whole community must form engaged partnerships
Guiding Principles
The desired end-state of the Prevention mission area
is Nation optimally prepared to prevent imminent terrorist attack
To achieve this end-state,
this Framework sets out three principles
that guide the development and execution
of the core capabilities for Prevention