IDに使われている文字数字記号数が俺より少ないやつがいたらメスイキ動画撮ってうpする #506

506ミスタ理論だとベジタリアン以外の人間は美味くなさそう:2017/09/27(水) 03:30:13.41 ID:+0514ChZ


     ↓ こんなの初耳だ: (この事件)  日本では全く報道されてない

ガクガクガクガク  (((( ;゚Д゚))) ガクガクブルブル  ガクガクブルブル ガクガクブルブル

Toronto heir accused in L.A. torture killing targeted in civil suit

Heir to a Toronto real estate fortune, Leibel, 36, is accused of the May 2016 torture murder of his Ukrainian girlfriend Iana Kasian, 30, in West Hollywood. He is charged with first-degree murder and could get a one-way ticket to ...

Toronto tycoon's son accused of torturing girlfriend, draining her body of blood ...

Murdered model was scalped and had blood drained

'Her blood was drained from her body'

... A model who was allegedly killed by her boyfriend was scalped, had her right ear torn off and had been drained of all her blood when police found her ....

drained of all her blood < 「全ての血」はダウト


