/\___/\ / ノ' 'ヽ、 ::\ | (●), 、 (●)、 :::| I know I need to be in love | ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、, :| I know I've wasted too much time | / r=‐、 ヾ ::| I know I ask perfection of a quite imperfect world | l| |,r- r-| |l :::| And fool enough to think that's what I'll find \. ヽ`ニニ´ノノ.::::/ ./`ー‐--‐‐一''´\
+ + m n _∩ + + ∩_ n m ⊂二⌒ __) + /\___/ヽ + ( _⌒二⊃ \ \ /'''''' '''''':::::::\ / / \ \ |(●), 、(●)、.:| / / I'm on the \ \.| ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::| / / top of the world lookin' \ | ´トェェェイ` .:::::::| / down on creation \\ |,r-r-| .:::::// And the only explanation I can find \`ー `ニニ´‐―´/ Is the lovethat I've found ever since you've been around / ・ ・ / Your love's put me at the top of the world
/\___/ヽ /::::::: \ .|:::. '''''' '''''' | After long enough of being alone |::::.,(一), 、(一)| Everyone must face their share of loneliness .|::::::: ノ ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, | In my own time nobody knew \:::::.ヽ`-=ニ=- ' / The pain I was goin' through And waitin' was all my heart could do / `一`ニニ´-,ー´ / | | / | / | | / | | / l | / | | __/ | ⊥_ーー | ⊥_ ________ | `ーヽl_l_l.} ヽl_l_l.} \ (、`ーー、ィ } ̄` ノ \ `ー、、___/`"''-‐" ⑩ \ ⑤ ⑤ \
/`ー──一'\ it's nice to know that you'll be there if I need you ,r(●)(、_, )、(●)\ And you'll always smile, it's all worthwhile .| '"トニニニ┤'` .:| |. | .:::| .::::| When there's no getting over that rainbow .| ヽ .::::ノ .::::::| When my smallest of dreams won't come true \ `ニニ´ ..:::::/ I can take all the madness the world has to give ,,.....イ.ヽヽ、ニ__ーーノ゙-、. But I won't last a day without you : | '; \_____ ノ.| ヽ i | \/゙(__)\,| i |