(guns in America) 銃 乱射 KKK アメリカ Korea gun USA (白人 警察官 -> 黒人少年 射殺) NRA 米国 Korean (Virginia Tech.) コロンバイン高校 #69

69名無しさん@Next2ch:2017/10/10(火) 12:33:30.89 ID:???

(CNN) — A Texas Tech University police officer was fatally shot at the police station in Lubbock Monday night, university spokesman Jonathan Seaborn told CNN.

The suspect fled on foot but was later  apprehended, according to a Texas Tech tweet.
The campus was on lockdown after the shooting until the suspect was taken into custody.

In a statement, the school said the incident began
when campus police were sent to check on a student's welfare.

"Earlier this evening, Texas Tech Police made a student welfare check.
Upon entering the room, officers found evidence of drugs and drug paraphernalia.

Officers brought the suspect to the police station for standard debriefing.
During this time, the suspect pulled a gun and shot an officer in the head.  The officer is deceased. < この表現に違和感

Neither the suspect nor the officer killed were identified by the school.




