(guns in America) 銃 乱射 KKK アメリカ Korea gun USA (白人 警察官 -> 黒人少年 射殺) NRA 米国 Korean (Virginia Tech.) コロンバイン高校 #15

15名無しさん@Next2ch:2015/11/05(木) 07:03:08.87 ID:???

Former Alabama Professor Who Shot 6, 3 Fatally, Apologizes ----------- ABC News-2015/10/19 ------------ A former professor who killed three colleagues and wounded three more at the University of Alabama at Huntsville is apologizing. Amy Bishop Anderson says she is "terribly sorry" for her victims and her own family in a ...

【アメリカ】ミシシッピ州の公立大学で教授射殺される[news24][9/15] [転載禁止]©2ch.net

2015年9月15日 --------- アメリカ・ミシシッピ州の公立大学で14日朝、銃声があり、研究室で男性教授が射殺されているのが見つかった。




Probe into death of Illinois police officer reaches tragic conclusion --------- Christian Science Monitor-6 時間前 ---------- About a month into the investigation, authorities said Gliniewicz had been shot with his own weapon, but that they ... Following the shooting at Fox Lake, a village of about 10,000 roughly 50 miles north of Chicago, flags flew at ...

Fellow instructor sought in fatal shooting of professor at Mississippi ... ---------- The Globe and Mail-2015/09/14 ------------ A Mississippi college professor ((history)) was shot and killed in his campus office on Monday, and police said a fellow Delta State University teacher was “a person of interest” in the shooting. Authorities said they were searching for ...




