東大 (Univ. of Tokyo) 一気飲みを後輩に強要した 東大DQN2年生(21才)「コンパ長」 自分が酔いつぶれ死亡! 親が 学生21人に約2億円の賠償訴訟 compa Unive #15

15名無しさん@Next2ch:2015/07/24(金) 07:17:11.27 ID:???

2014/09/19 - The freshman died of alcohol poisoning 24 hours before his first day of college. “Dalton was a good kid with a very bright future helping others," his family said in a statement. "He was still discovering himself, but he said he ...

UK ? ---- 2012/10/10 - A college freshman died after leaders of his fraternity locked him and 15 others in a room as part of a hazing ritual, allegedly telling them they couldn't leave until all the bottles of alcohol were gone. More details have emerged ...

Tragedy struck just one year ago at Washington State University when freshman Kenneth Hummel died from alcohol poisoning. ...




