The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト (ABC順)
661 Lothar Rübelt Austria
662 Gerhard Rühm Austria
663 Antoine Rulmont Belgium
664 Georg Fredrik (Fred) Runeberg Finland
665 Kristian Runeberg Finland
666 Yury Rupin Ukraine
667 Zofia Rydet Poland
668 Yakov Ilich Ryumkin Russia
669 Johannes Saal Estonia
670 Matti Saanio Finland
671 Juraj Šajmovič Slovakia
672 Nokolay Samoilov Russia
673 Galina Zakharovna Saňko Russia
674 Sanne Sannes The Netherlands
675 Leena Saraste Finland
676 Jan Saudek Czech Republic
677 Seppo Saves Finland
678 Tyyne Savia Finland
679 Constantin Săvulescu Romania
680 Ernst Scheidegger Switzerland
681 Max Scheler Germany
682 Julius Scherb Austria
683 Bronisław Schlabs Poland
684 Karl Hugo Schmölz Germany
685 Toni Schneiders Germany
686 Marcel Schroeder Luxembourg
687 Rolf Schroeter Switzerland
688 Gotthard Schuh Switzerland
689 Emil Schulthess Switzerland
690 Willy Schurman The Netherlands