angles, iiniisual. Sec vantage
points, Linusuai
Anglo-French North China
Expeditionary Force, 124
Angola (Luena, Street Scene)
{ Depardon), SS3, 554
aniline d\es, 450 Ariiinal Locomotion ( MLiybridge ),
250, 2SI-S3 animals: motion studies of, 249,
250, 2S0, 2SI, 251-55, 2S6, 2S7
Animals in Motion ( Muvbridge),
250 Annals ofAnists in Spain (Talbot),
;i Anna May Wong (Steichen), 499,
Annan, James Craig (1864-1946), 34, 309; work by, 312 Annan, Thomas (1829-1887), 34, 358-59; work by, 3sS
Anschiitz, Ottomar (1846-1907):
focal plane shutter designed by,
447, 449; lens designed by, 253; motion studies bv, 249, 251-53,
Ansco, 629 Anthony, Edward (1811-1888), 32, 167, 259; work by, ui E. & H.T. Anthony and Company, 155, 167, 184, 191
anthropological documentation.
See ethnographic documenta
tion Antlitz dcr Zeit (Face of Our Time)
(Sander), 364, 378
Aperture, 491 Appelt, Dieter (1935- ), 565; work
by, s66 Appert, Eugene (acti\e 1870s):
work by, 1S3
Approach to Philae (Frith), 120, 121
aquatints, 452; scenic \iews, 20,
24, 97, 97
Arago, Franv'ois, 16-17, 18, 32, 37,
Araki, Nobuyoshi, 542, 558-59 Arheiter-Foto^raf, Der (The Worker
Photorirapher), 372
Arbcitcr lUustrierte Zeitun£ (AIZ),
470, 471 Arbus, Diane (1923-1971), 502, 520, 525; work by, $26 Arc de Trioniphe and the Grand
Boiilcimrds, Paris, from a Balloon,
The (Nadar), 246, 246
archaeology, 450; holograms in,
630; 19th-century scenic views
and, 104, 107, 120, 123, 127, 127;
photographic documentation
and, 161-62, i6j, 164
Archer, Fretierick Scott
(1813-1857), 33, 56-59, 77, 105,
141, 188, 196
Arches (Metzker), 583, s^S
architectural photography,
242-43, 364, 378; color photography and, 600-603, <>0h 60s; daguerreotypes, 2$, 26; mod
ernist, 418, 41S, 419, 421; since 1950, <;46, 547, 570, 600-603, 603,