写真家一覧・写真家リスト #199

199名無しさん@Next2ch:2016/05/28(土) 21:03:03.14 ID:???

and Spews Idiocies ( Heart field), m, 398 Advanced Photo System, 625
advertising, 274, 363, 384, 437,
491-97, 492-9S, 509-10, 529, 586, 607; bizarre imagery in, 493;
close-ups in, 492-93, 494; color photography and, 451, 595, 597;
current trends in, 495-97; digi
tal imaging in, 611-12; directori
al techniques and, 594; experi
mentalism and, 569; industrial
ism and, 422-30; instant-print
films for, 626-27; modernist
idiom and, 418-19, 492-93,
494; painting influenced by, 619, 620, 620; postwar trends in,
494-95; printing technologies and, 451, 463, 491; to promote
photographic equipment, 259
aerial photography, 245-46, 246,
247, 517, S'S, S6l, 562
Airica: 19th-century scenic \'iews
of, 99; photojournalism in,
4(19, 470, 478, 4S0, 481, SS3, 554; social ciocumentation in,
3SS, 391
Afi-ican-American photographers,
272-74, 535-36; conceptual photography by, 570, S73; in New Deal projects, 369; works by,
273, S3S, 539, i73
African Americans: documenta
tion of, 361,,5^,5, 375, 535-36,
S3S-41; portraits of, 272-74, 27.5,
323, 32s
after-the-hunt still lifes, 226, 227,
Agee, James, 383 Agent Orange (Watriss), 390
Agfa, 442, 450, 629; Agtacolor Neu, 597 Aguado, Olympe, Count, 74 Alabama, U.SA. {Erwin), 529
d'Albert, Honore, due de Luynes,
Albert, Josef, 453
Albert, prince consort of
England, 63, 180, 189, 229
Alberrvpes, 453 Albin-Guillot, Laure, 492
Albright Gallery (Buffalo, N.Y.),
308, 331 Album der Zeitgenossen
(HanfstaengI), 67
albumen, 32




