写真家一覧・写真家リスト #198

198名無しさん@Next2ch:2016/05/28(土) 01:02:13.09 ID:???

Abbott, Berenice (1898-1991),
279, 371, 377, 378, +19, +30, 579; works by, 276, 369, .570, 420, 421
Abel, Hans, 112 Abralmm Lincoln (Frani,'ois), 60,
62 Abraham Lmciiln (Gardner), 69,
Abstract Composition (Henri), 404,
Abstract Expressionism, 518, 519,
582, 597, 619
abstraction, 363, 548; cameraless
imagery and, 580-82; color
photography and, .fprt-cc,
597-99; of forms in nature, 105,
114, si^, 518-19, 520, S2i-2i; of human form, ^'^\,s^4^, in mod
ernist straight photography,
393, 402-7, 403-8, 409, 410, 411,
418, 420, 42i, 424, 426, 426, 429,
4Si; in 19th-century scenic
views, 105, 114; Photorealism
and, 620; in Stieglitz's series,
3}4, 335, j5f,- imusual \ie\\points
and, 330, 15/, 531-32 Abu 'Ali al-Hasan ibn alHaytham (Alhazen), 192 Abu Simbel (Horeau), 97, 97 Academic (Le Begue),,50.5
achromatic lenses, 18
Aavpolis ofAthens Illiistmtcd Picturesquely and Architecturally,
The (Stillman), 115, 120
Actinograph, 449
actinometers, 448 Actor, The (Tress), 588,590 Adams, Ansel (1902-1984), 420-22, 529; works by, 424, 42s Adams, Robert, 529 Adam-Salomon, Antoine Samuel (1811-1881), 59, 241; work by, 60 Adamson, Robert (1821-1848), 55,
103, 211, 221, 315, 343, 375; por
trait of, 79; profile of, 78-79;
\\'orks by, S7, SS, 211
adciitive color principles, 275,
280, 449-50, 628
Adelaide Gallery (London), 18 adhesives: for mounting prints, 34 Adjusting the Ropesfor Hanging
the Conspirators (Gardner), 206 Adolf the Superman; He Eats Gold




