The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
87 . Berman, Ilya and Jankel, brothers
88 . Boretti, Vikenci
89 . Dashkevich, Lev
90 . Epstein, Lev
91 . Fishman, Monakhim
92 . Jastremsky, Fiodor
93 . Jukhnin, Somir
94 . Metor, Israel
95 . Miransky, Grigory
96 . Nappelbaum, Moses
97 . Ostrovsky, Vladislav Leon
98 . Plakhov, Lavr
99 . Prushynski, Stanislav Anton
100 . Soloveychik, Isaak
101 . Semeniaka, Vladimir
102 . Serbov, Isaak
103 . Serebrin, Ilya
104 . Zlotnikov, Piotr