関係ないけど、円盤ならKonrad Bukowieckiに勝てる可能性も若干あるかもしれんね
関係ないけど、円盤ならKonrad Bukowieckiに勝てる可能性も若干あるかもしれんね
なんてこった、ここにきてJoe Kovacsの練習投擲24mも飛んでないかもしれないという話が
Tue May 5, 4:43:39am
ItsAboutTime13: thesprintscoach.. I know the word on the street is that Kovacs warmed up at 24.29m, but it just didn't happen. I was at the meet and had a good vantage point on the entire competition. The dirt sector at UCSD ends at roughly 75 feet where grass begins. There are also logs placed a few feet into the grass. The logs were moved back after the huge warmup. The problem is, the divot that was measured at 24.29m was at a spot that was beyond the position of the logs at the time of the throw. In other words, the divot that was measured could not possibly have been Kovacs' warmup toss. My first guess when it landed was 76 low. There was, in fact, a divot (which was ignored) that corresponded to roughly where I thought the throw landed at the time.
Tue May 5, 4:45:37am
ItsAboutTime13: Joe is an incredible thrower, and is in a great position to shoot for the world record in my opinion, but he definitely did not throw over 24m.
Tue May 5, 8:29:15am
goofygoobersyeah: i heard the same thing from a teammate who was there. regardless.. 76 feet is something to behold! cant wait to see what he does this season and in the long career ahead of him!