カーペンターズって良曲多いな #14

14以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2015/03/07(土) 03:50:51.64 ID:lIAQcbMv

    /`ー──一'\     it's nice to know that you'll be there if I need you
   ,r(●)(、_, )、(●)\ And you'll always smile, it's all worthwhile
  .|  '"トニニニ┤'` .:|    
  |.   |   .:::|  .::::|     When there's no getting over that rainbow
  .|   ヽ  .::::ノ .::::::|     When my smallest of dreams won't come true
   \   `ニニ´ ..:::::/     I can take all the madness the world has to give
,,.....イ.ヽヽ、ニ__ーーノ゙-、.       But I won't last a day without you
:   |  '; \_____ ノ.| ヽ i
    |  \/゙(__)\,|  i |

