259 :名無しさん:2014/07/05(土) 11:43:17
Essential Words for the GRE
(Barron's Essential Words for the GRE, 3rd 2013)
WL Tag Word Level Freq. %
? Unknown 470 58.75
02 2,000 4 0.50
03 3,000 5 0.62
04 4,000 7 0.88
05 5,000 3 0.38
06 6,000 3 0.38
07 7,000 9 1.12
08 8,000 17 2.12
09 9,000 24 3.00
10 10,000 49 6.12
11 11,000 102 12.75
12 12,000 107 13.38
- TOTAL 800 100.00