今夜も Wine で乾杯! - 1本目 in Next ID:soGfxJeW

9名無しさん@Next2ch:2015/05/30(土) 01:33:15.70 ID:soGfxJeW

Wine 1.7.43 Released
May 15, 2015

The Wine development release 1.7.43 is now available.

What's new in this release:

・Improved support for Shell Browser windows.
・Some more API Sets libraries.
・Read/write operations support with built-in devices.
・Major Catalan translation update.
・Support for WoW64 mode on ARM64.
・Various bug fixes.

10名無しさん@Next2ch:2015/05/30(土) 01:34:48.63 ID:soGfxJeW

Wine 1.7.44 Released
May 29, 2015

The Wine development release 1.7.44 is now available.

What's new in this release:

・More support for the COM interfaces of the RichEdit control.
・Initial version of a SmartTee filter.
・Some more support for the ARM64 platform.
・Support for the null device kernel object.
・Various bug fixes.


