Minimum wage 【韓国】最低賃金 上げたら、失業者が増えるに決まってるだろ?w 「副作用に政府戸惑う」 Korea ヘル韓国 Korea 経済学 Economics ノ #4

4名無しさん@Next2ch:2018/07/14(土) 04:01:42.70 ID:???

It also presents some midrange estimates of the aggregate employment effects from recent minimum wage increases based on the research literature. ...    Most important, workers have varying skill levels, and a higher minimum wage will lead employers to hire fewer low-skilled workers and more high-skilled workers.  Dec 21, 2015

      more high-skilled workers < そういう もん か?

Jan 11, 2018 -    That paper, publicly released earlier this year, found that on average the minimum wage increases have caused employers to reduce hours, with a net effect of reducing low-wage employees' earnings by $125 a month.

Feb 5, 2018 - Last summer, a paper on the effects of Seattle's minimum-wage increase made national headlines with its conclusion: The change made ...




