日本人「あ!英語だ!日本語で意味考えなきゃ!」英米「ストップジャップ!」日本人「?」 ID:Psfx+J1p

6以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2017/05/08(月) 22:05:06.76 ID:Psfx+J1p

Jap "Yuck, English! Gotta think in Japanese!"

English Speakers "What the f*** are you thinking!?"

Jap "What?"

ES "I know you substitute Japanese for English while regarding. Are you willing to learn to speak English, or not? Huh!
 "It's not until you come to be able to understand any stuff using only English from beginning to end I can't really say you can use English fluently, indeed.
 "You Japanese understand some English words, such as games, smartphones, or music, in English without thinking in Japanese, right?
 "Why do you not do so in entire English? Frankly, Japan is extremely behind, though one of developed countries."


